Physical Activities



Walkway / 1km run

DATE: Tue 03 March 20
AUTHOR: Anita McDonnell

Weather permitting, Children can run or walk our walkway. It is a km long and they can time themselves or just have a 'walk and talk' with their friends at lunch-time


Our Playground

DATE: Thu 27 February 20
AUTHOR: Anita Mc Donnell

We take such pride in our playground!! The playground markings are fantastic, we are so grateful to the parents council for providing them for us. We also bring out our playground box at lunch time. The Senior yard has it on a Monday, the middle yard has it on a Tuesday and the Junior yard has it on a Wednesday. We have so much fun with all the equipment. There are soft balls, skipping balls, targets, tennis rackets, tennis balls, badminton rackets, elastics and hula hoops in the box. We can make up our own games as we have bibs and cones also. It is super!!

Physical Activity

DATE: Tue 11 February 20
AUTHOR: Anita McDonnell

Physical activity is so important in our school. We provide twice daily playground breaks for all classes and children are allowed to run around during playground breaks.Our physical activity happens in the playground, through our running inititives and through other cross curricular opportunities (active homework, 60 min challenge, active math's etc...)  We believe in an Active School!!

Football Training!!

DATE: Tue 11 February 20
AUTHOR: Anita McDonnell

Classes from 3rd to 6th take part in Gaelic football training every Monday after school with Mr Bell and Ms McDonnell. The boys and girls love the training and can play at lunch time up the field when the weather gets better!!


DATE: Tue 11 February 20


DATE: Tue 11 February 20

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