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St. Patrick's National School, Harestown, Co. Louth

Board of Management

Board of Management

The school has a Board of Management which is responsible for the overall management of the school and is reconstituted every four years. The current term of the board is from 1st December 2023 to 30th November 2027. The members of St. Patrick's NS Board of Management are:

Chairperson: Philip King

Secretary: Amanda Rowland

Patron Nominee: Fr. Paddy Rushe

Teacher Nominee: Lisa McArdle

Community Nominees: Eileen Smyth and Dan Egan

Parent Nominees: Elma Flood and Mick Dunne (Treasurer)


Please note: The role of Parent Nominees on the Board of Management is to provide input to decisions taken by the Board from a parent's perspective. Their role is not to bring issues to the Board on behalf of other parents.

To ensure the smooth running of the school, the Board of Management regularly reviews and ratifies school policies. Copies of school policies are available on request.